Are you wanting to become pregnant and considering undergoing a breast lift procedure? This can give you the beautiful shape of your dreams. But if you are also planning to breastfeed, then you might be wondering if there is any risk that the surgery could interfere with your plans.

We’re here to help answer all of your questions and make sure that both your physical appearance goals and breastfeeding goals are met!

In this blog post, we will discuss what a breast lift is, why it may or may not affect breastfeeding, and what steps you can take to ensure successful nursing after the operation.

Whether or not a breast lift presents an obstacle on the path toward being able to nurse successfully ultimately depends on several factors so read on for more information!

A breast lift surgery

Breastfeeding after a breast lift procedure

The ability to breastfeed after a breast lift can depend on several factors, including the extent of the procedure and individual factors.

During a breast lift, the surgeon may remove excess skin and reposition the nipple and areola to create a more youthful, uplifted appearance. In some cases, the milk ducts and glands may be affected or removed during the surgery, which can cause reduced milk production.

However, many women who have had a breast lift are still able to breastfeed successfully. The surgeon can use techniques that preserve the milk ducts and glandular tissue as much as possible during the procedure. Taking steps to protect the nipple and areola during the healing process can also improve the chances of breastfeeding success. That is why it is important to tell your doctor about your intentions to breastfeed.

Speak with your surgeon

Tips for Successful Breastfeeding After a Breast Lift

Congratulations on making the decision to breastfeed your little one! Whether you underwent a breast lift or not, breastfeeding can be a wonderful and rewarding experience for both you and your baby.

However, there may be unique challenges for those who have had breast surgery. Here are a few tips that can help increase your chances of successful breastfeeding:

  1. First, be patient with yourself and your baby. Like with anything new, it may take some time to get the hang of it.
  2. Second, consider meeting with a lactation consultant for assistance and support.
  3. Try different positions and techniques to find what works best for you and your baby.
  4. There are some great breastfeeding guidance books if you need a little go to advice when others aren't available, like during a night feed!
  5. You can also try pumping or hand-expressing milk to increase your milk supply and stimulate milk production.
  6. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask for help or take a break if needed. Remember, the most important thing is that you and your baby are healthy and happy!

Taking Care of Yourself After a Breast Lift Surgery

To ensure that you have the best chance of breastfeeding when the time comes, you need to take care of yourself post surgery.

Your body needs time to heal and adjust to the changes, so be sure to rest as much as possible and avoid any strenuous activities. Make sure to follow any post-operative instructions provided by your surgeon, including taking any prescribed pain medication and keeping up with follow-up appointments.

It's also important to eat healthy, nutritious foods and stay hydrated to help your body heal faster. Don't forget to pamper yourself a bit too - take a warm bath, read a good book, or indulge in some of your favorite hobbies.

By taking care of yourself, you'll be able to enjoy the amazing results of your breast lift surgery for years to come and be ready for your little one to come when you do get pregnant.

Other breast surgeries

Breastfeeding after breast augmentation and breast reduction surgeries can be possible, but it may not be as straightforward as it is for those who haven't undergone these procedures. Both breast augmentation and breast reduction surgery can affect the ability to produce and deliver milk, depending on the extent of the surgery and individual factors.

Breast surgeries 

Breast Enlargement

In the case of breast augmentation with implants, the surgical method used can impact milk production. Placement of the breast implants below the muscle is less likely to interfere with breastfeeding than one placed above the muscle or alongside the mammary glands tissue.

However, it's still possible for nerves or milk ducts to be damaged during the procedure, which could affect milk supply. In some cases, scar tissue surrounding the implant can also impact milk production.

Breast Reduction

For breast reduction surgery, the amount of glandular breast tissue removed during the procedure can impact the ability to produce milk. The type of breast reduction surgery method used, such as a vertical or horizontal incision, can also affect milk supply. The surgeon may also reposition the nipple or areola, which can impact a baby's ability to latch on.

It's important to discuss your intentions to breastfeed with your surgeon before undergoing either breast lift, augmentation or breast reduction surgery. They can help you understand the potential impacts of the surgery on breastfeeding and make adjustments to the procedure to preserve milk supply if possible.

Already Had A Procedure?

If you have already had a procedure and wish to breastfeed, you can still try to breastfeed and may need to supplement with formula if milk supply is insufficient. If you are concerned about your supply, you can learn more on how to increase your milk production.

A lactation consultant can provide guidance in these cases to help maximize breast milk production and make adjustments to the breastfeeding process to make it easier for you and your baby.

A Lactation consultant can help.

So Can You Breastfeed After A Breast Lift?

Overall, deciding to pursue breast lifts and wanting to breastfeed is something that should be discussed with your doctor and addressed before undergoing breast lift surgery. And while it is possible to undergo breast feeding after receiving a breast lift, the process could be more challenging and will require extra caution and preparation.

By following the right steps – such as learning ways to support yourself through the healing process and speaking with a professional regarding available options – you can feel empowered to make the best decision for you.

Ultimately, breastfeeding can be an incredibly rewarding experience, so if you’re determined to become a mother and nurse your child afterwards, it’s never too late to try. By taking proactive steps prior and post-surgery, there should be no reason why women who receive a breast lift can't follow their dreams of feeding their babies from their own bodies.