It's the moment you've both been waiting for, (and maybe a bit anxious about as well), your child's first day of kindergarten. Before they take that first step into the classroom your little child will need to be prepared and ready to face new challenges, meet friends, and learn in a totally different atmosphere than home.

Not sure where to start? Don't worry! We're here with some tips on how to make their transition from preschool or staying home smooth and fun.

Prepare For The Big Day

Calling all new parents! The big day is approaching fast and you want to make sure you're fully prepared.

What To Wear

First things first - what wear? Comfort should be your top priority, so go for loose-fitting clothing and sneakers. Consider packing a few changes of clothes too for your little one in case of any accidents.

PRO TIP! Put them in clothes that are easy to get on and off for bathroom visits.
❤️ Ready To Rock It With A First Day of Kindergarten Shirt!
Find the ultimate first-day-of-kindergarten shirt to match your child’s unique style. The easy shopping experience, top-notch quality, and endless smiles!

What To Pack

Now onto organization - trust us, you'll thank yourself later for being prepared. Make a list of everything they'll need to take and double check it before you leave.


This will depend if you have signed them up for school meals or they are taking a lunch box. If it's the latter make sure you get them a box they can open (speaking from experience here). And one that doesn't leak. The same goes for water bottles.

School Supplies

You should receive a supply list from their kindergarten teacher a few weeks before the school year starts. DO NOT LEAVE IT TILL THE LAST MINUTE! But incase you do here's a supply list we've prepared for you.

1-2 DAY SHIPPING! Best Kindergarten School Supply List For Last Minute Buys!
Have you left it a little late to get your kindergarten school supply list? Don’t panic! Prepare your little one for a fun and successful school year ahead.

And if you have AMAZON PRIME you can get it in 1-2 days PHEW!

MOMMY TIP! Keep all their belongings in one bag and make sure it's easily accessible when they arrive at school.
"Create a routine and stick to it in the days leading up to kindergarten. Practice waking up at the same time, having breakfast and getting dressed, This will help your child adjust to the schedule and feel more prepared." Lisa. M (Colorado)

First Day Checklist

First day of kindergarten books

Get Into School Mode – Ideas for calming pre-school jitters

Starting kindergarten can be a nerve-wracking experience for both parents and little ones. But fear not, because there are plenty of fun ways to ease those pre-school jitters and make the night before full of excitement!

How about having a family movie night and snuggling up with your child's favorite flick? Or, take a walk around the neighborhood and talk about what exciting things your child can expect from their new school.

Another great idea is to put together a "favorite things" box with your child, containing everything from their favorite snack to a picture of their family to remind them that they are loved and supported.

Get them a 1st Day of Kindergarten book, these are a great to get them feeling prepared.

Remember, getting into school mode can be fun - so embrace the goofiness and get excited for the adventure ahead!

"Be early for pick up, don't risk being the one parent that is late and leave them standing there confused and worried. That will give them anxiety every day after, trust me I know from experince Whoops!" Laura. R (Arizona)

Nurture Their Confidence – Strategies for boosting self-esteem

As a new parent, it can be easy to get wrapped up in the endless checklist of things to do and worry about. But don't forget to also prioritize nurturing your child's confidence! After all, a little bit of self-esteem can go a long way in helping them tackle new challenges with gusto.

So what are some strategies for boosting their morale? How about singing their praises (literally) by making up silly songs about their accomplishments? Or encouraging them to try new things by setting small, achievable goals?

And let's not forget about the tried-and-true method of showering them with love and affection (even when they're being little stinkers). With these tactics in your toolbox, you'll have a little wonder-kid on your hands in no time!

First day of kindergarten

Know What to Expect - Typical first day activities, common questions kids have about going back

The first day of school can be nerve-wracking for both parents and kids. But fear not, dear parents! Knowing what to expect can make things a little less daunting.

An in person visit before school starts is a great way to help them feel confident on the first day!
  • On the first day, your little ones will likely begin with some icebreaker activities to get acquainted with their classmates.
  • Then, it's on to the basics like a school tour. Show them the lunch room, homeroom, bathroom break
  • Introductions to their kindergarten teachers, and an overview of what they will be learning throughout the year.
  • Your child may have some common questions like "What if I get lost?" or "What if I don't like my teacher?"
  • Rest assured, these are typical and totally valid concerns. Just remind them that their teachers and other staff are there to help and support them every step of the way. And, if all else fails, you can always bribe them with some extra dessert that night 😉.

Have Fun With It – Creative ideas on how to make the first day of school memorable while showing your support

Ah, the first day of school - a milestone for both parents and children alike. Want to make it memorable while showing your support? Get creative!

Why not surprise your little one with a special breakfast or lunch? You could make pancakes in the shape of their favorite character or pack their lunch in a fun lunchbox.

Another fun idea is to create a “first-day-of-school” sign for your child to hold for those classic photo ops. You could include their grade, favorite subject, or what they want to be when they grow up.

And don’t forget to send them off with a big hug and reassuring words of encouragement - you got this!

The first few weeks may be tough. They may cry, you may too! But their social skills will grow and flourish soon.

Support Their Learning At Home - Suggested resources for continuing kindergarten learning, even after the first day is over

Your little ones have started their kindergarten journey, and we know you want to support their learning at home. Luckily, there are a ton of great free resources available to continue their education even before they start. Go to your local library and get out some books an read aloud together.

For starters, check out websites like ABCmouse or Sesame Street for interactive games and activities that reinforce what they're learning in the classroom. And let's not forget the classic bedtime stories - a fun and easy way to build their reading comprehension skills. If you're feeling adventurous, try a science experiment or cooking project together - not only will they be learning new skills, but you might just have a blast! Learning can be fun, and with a little creativity, you and your kindergarten can keep the good times rolling long after that first school bell rings.

Going into kindergarten can be a nerve-wracking experience, but it doesn't have to be! With a bit of planning and preparation – not to mention plenty of fun activities – you and your child can make this transition a smooth one.

From getting organized ahead of time to shopping for the perfect outfit to helping boost their confidence and ease any anxieties they may have, there are plenty of ways that parents can both show their support and make the first day of school an enjoyable one.

Keep in mind that it won’t always be easy, but the most important thing is you are there for your child no matter what. Best of luck navigating this new and exciting chapter together!

First day of kindergarten

Funny Common Mistakes Kindergarten Parents Make

On the first day of kindergarten we don't always get it right. Here's some examples of how not to it.

  1. Forgetting to pack their lunch: Imagine the surprise when the child opens their lunchbox only to find it empty.
  2. Dressing them in embarrassing outfits: Parents may get caught up in the excitement of their child's first day of school and end up sending them off in an outfit that doesn't quite match or is overly flashy. This can lead to funny looks and comments from other students and teachers.
  3. Taking too many "first day" photos: Parents want to capture every precious moment of their child's first day of school, but sometimes they go overboard with the number of photos they take.
  4. Get the times wrong, all schools are different so check and double check again.
  5. Don't over sleep. Make sure that alarm is on LOUD!!!
  6. Don't be that mom that is waving, shouting and sobbing uncontrollably. They'll be embarrassed even if you aren't.

Remember, these mistakes are lighthearted and are part of the learning experience for both parents and children. It's important to embrace the humor and enjoy the journey together.

Kindergartehn lunches

First Day Of Kindergarten FAQs

Do you still have some questions about what to do, what to expect and how things will work out? Here's some FAQs to help you feel more reassured. |

When should a child start kindergarten?

Generally, children enroll in kindergarten the year they turn 5 years old.

What types of school activities will my child learn in kindergarten?

Kindergarten classes typically focus on basic academics such as reading, writing and math as well as social skills like cooperation and good behavior and fine motor skills.

Does my child need to attend kindergarten?

In most states, it is not required for your child to attend kindergarten; however, attending can be beneficial in helping your child gain the academic foundations needed for future schooling. kindergarten students can benefit from a head start.

How can I help prepare my child for starting kindergarten?

You can help by introducing them to basic skills like counting exercises, shapes and colors games and other age-appropriate activities that will give them a head start when beginning school. Additionally, try visiting their kindergarten classroom before school starts so they become familiar with their environment ahead of time.

What type of clothing should I have my preschooler wear to school each day?

Students should dress comfortably but also maintain an appropriate appearance while at school; this means no clothes with inappropriate logos or offensive language.

What should I expect on the first day of a new school?

For new students, depending on your school's policy, you can expect to review and sign off on important documents, such as consent forms and emergency contact information. You will also be introduced to your teachers and classmates, receive any textbooks or materials that you need for the class, participate in ice-breaking activities with other students, and learn more about what type of learning environment is offered within each classroom and get your lesson plans.

How can I make a positive first impression at school?

It is always a good idea to dress neatly when starting off at a new school. Additionally, try to be confident when speaking with your peers and teachers. Pay attention in class; ask questions if needed; volunteer answers but don’t dominate conversations; listen well to instructions and feedback from teachers—all these actions demonstrate respect for both yourself as an individual student as well as the educational system itself.

What should I do if I feel overwhelmed on my first day back?

It is normal to feel overwhelmed during one’s first day back at school due to all the new things one needs time adjusting too (e.g., people/faces/names, classroom rules, schedule/routines). If this happens to you, try speaking with a trusted teacher or adult at the school to get reassurance and guidance. Additionally, take some time each day to relax and decompress; this can help you manage your emotions better. Furthermore, connect with friends or classmates who could provide emotional support as well as give advice on how to navigate certain situations. Good luck!

Here at Mothers Best Buys, we love to provide advice to you about issues around parenting. But please note we are not medically trained and you should always speak with a professional if you have concerns. The products we mention are handpicked by us to be a great choice based on our own reviews and those of others. We may receive a commission if you choose to purchase any items that we mention.