When hiking with your kids, it's important to be aware of potential hazards and take steps to ensure their safety. Here are some tips to help keep your children safe while enjoying the great outdoors.

Teach Your Kids

Before taking your kids on an exciting nature hike, teach kids a few simple safety rules. Setting up your children with proper education when it comes to hiking is important; it's the best way to keep everyone safe and happy on their journey!

Things To Take

There's quite a lot that you could take with you. The key is to be selective and you don't want to be weighed down like a cart horse Prioritise what you need and you'll be so glad you left the rest at home, or in the car.


Start off by teaching children how to dress appropriately for any type of weather.Think bright colors so they can be easily spotted in case of an emergency, breathable fabrics to keep them cool and dry during long walks, and hiking shoes with good grip to prevent any falls or slips on difficult terrain.

Hiking safety for kids, choose bright colors

Additionally, layering clothes always comes in handy for hiking -inner layers for insulation, and outer layers for windproofing - so make sure you cover your kids up right before embarking on a hiking adventure!

Food and drink

Additionally, teach them how to properly handle their food and drinks while they are walking through natural habitats.

When hiking with young ones is that their energy levels can vary quickly, so it's vital to make sure they have the necessary food and drinks for the journey.

Having a variety of snacks such as trail mix, packets of peanut butter and jelly, or energy bars will help keep them energized throughout the hike. Stopping to have a few snacks is a must with kids, be patient.

Make sure to bring lots of water, too—while a single water bottle per person may seem like enough, every hiker should carry at least two full water bottles to prevent dehydration in warm weather or during strenuous hiking activities.

Taking the right kind of food and drink on your hiking adventure with your little explorers will make it more enjoyable for everyone!

Hiking equipment

Lastly, teach them the basics of navigation with a map and compass, so they know where they are going and how to get back out. Once you have gone over these items, it’s time for a brilliant adventure outdoors with your family!

Taking the time as a family to explore hiking trails while learning how to read a map and use a compass motivates kids to learn and understand basic geography, directions, and location skills.

Hiking safety with kids, read a map

First-aid kit

Plus, there's nothing worse than being miles away from civilization without any medical supplies - so best to be prepared with a first-aid kit packed with whatever your family may need! A little bit of effort now means hours of worry-free fun later - enjoy!

Hiking With An Infant

Hiking with an infant and younger children can be a fun, rewarding experience. The key is to pick the right carrier or stroller.

Hiking with a baby

Hiking baby carrier

There’s nothing worse than having to lug around a heavy or uncomfortable baby carrier while hiking with young kids. Investing in a hiking baby carrier that specifically fits your needs and those of your baby can make the experience so much more enjoyable.

Knowing you have comfortable support for your baby, combined with hiking activities that you enjoy, makes for the perfect day out in nature!

Hiking stroller

Opt for one that's lightweight and has large tires with plenty of tread - that way it won't get stuck in uneven terrain. For comfort and convenience, look for a stroller with adjustable handles and reclining seats, plus lots of straps and pockets for snacks, diapers, toys, and water bottles. Check out these strollers for hiking.

And don't forget there are some great accessories that you can get such as weather shields, rain covers to protect the child if the weather changes

All in all, hiking with an infant may require more preparation than hitting the trails solo – it’s worth it when you see them taking in the fresh air and exploring their surroundings.

Stick To Well-Marked Trails

Hiking is a great way to get outdoors and explore nature! To ensure you have a safe and enjoyable hiking experience, it's important to stay on well-marked trails.

While that might seem self-explanatory, it's really important to avoid areas that can be dangerous such as those with steep drop-offs.

Not only will you not want to chance being injured, but unfortunately these areas are fragile ecosystems without much biodiversity. So take the time and stick to the trails - your safety and the environment will thank you in the end!

Check out this site that has lots of cool family-friendly trails!

Take Two Adults

Spending a day hiking with kids is a great way to keep active and create lasting memories. For the best results, assign one adult to stay in the front to set the hiking pace while the other stays at the back for support.

By hiking with two adults (or older children) on both sides, young hikers have an extra layer of protection from critters, cliffs, and any other unseen obstacles that may come their way.

Try to avoid hiking with too many children where the adult-to-child ratio is too high. If you overstretch yourself this could become dangerous.

Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

It's always important to be aware of what is going on around you when you're out and about. Whether you're out on a nature walk or enjoying a scenic hike, keeping an eye out for local wildlife and other hikers can help ensure that your time in nature is safe and fun.

Keeping an eye out for wild animals, snakes or other potential threats can help keep everyone safe, as well as knowing the areas in which wild animals roam so you can keep a respectful distance!

Being aware of those around you will also ensure that everyone enjoys experiencing nature with each other. Just remember, be sure to keep aware of all your surroundings while out exploring, so that you can all make the most of your outdoor adventures!

Check The Weather Forecast

It's always smart to plan ahead when you're spending time outdoors so that you can have the best time possible. Checking the weather forecast before you go is a great way to make sure that happens - not only so you know what kind of activities to plan, but also so you can dress appropriately for the conditions!

Dressing for the weather can make all the difference in ensuring that your day out is enjoyable no matter what Mother Nature throws at you. So be sure to check ahead and you'll be good to go!

Need to check the weather? You can do that online.

Hiking Tips, Check The Weather 

Have Fun And Enjoy Spending Time Together In Nature!

Spending quality time together outdoors is an excellent way to create lasting memories with your loved ones and friends. Nature allows us to forget our worries, leave work stress behind, and just be in the present moment. Plus, there really isn't anything like witnessing a beautiful sunset or getting lost in a daydream as you admire the stars at night. Taking your kids fishing or discovering some new trails are great activities too - perfect for bonding! Connecting with nature increases connection with each other, so do yourself a favor and make some time now for having fun and enjoying each other's company in nature!

Quick Safety Tips Summary

  1. Take adequate clothing
  2. Pack enough food and drinks
  3. You should take a first aid kit
  4. A map and compass or GPS are helpful tools
  5. Stick to the path
  6. Choose child-friendly routes
  7. Check the weather
  8. Two or more adults preferably
  9. For infants take a hiking carrier or stroller
  10. Have fun!

So, to hike or not to hike with kids?

hiking with your kids can be a great way to bond and introduce them to the wonderful world of nature. By following a few simple safety tips, you can ensure that everyone has a fun and safe time on the trails.

Be sure to bring plenty of water and snacks, dress for the weather, stick to well-marked trails, and be aware of your surroundings at all times. With a little preparation, you and your family can enjoy an amazing day outdoors together!

Happy hiking!

Hiking with kids FAQS

With all these tips on outdoor safety, you're likely to still have some questions. Take a look at our FAQS to help you.

What are some tips for hiking with kids?

Bring plenty of snacks, plan the route around your children's physical abilities and energy levels, bring a first aid kit and sun protection, allow enough time to reach the destination without rushing.

How do you keep kids entertained while hiking?

Sing songs together, play games like I Spy or scavenger hunts along the trail, create stories or make up characters as you go along. Also let them explore their surroundings – stop so they can examine plants or look at animal tracks in the sand.

Is it safe to take toddlers on hikes?

Yes! As long as you’re prepared and aware of any potential hazards that could arise due to your child’s age and development level such as holding their hand when crossing streams or rivers. Be sure also to check weather conditions before going out. Always try and teach children some survival skills and basic safety rules before you go.

Are there any “kid-friendly” trails out there?

Absolutely! There are many national parks which provide specifically designed trails marked with educational signs about animals that live in those areas - great for teaching younger ones about nature! Check with your local parks and recreation department for more information.

What is the best way to carry a toddler while hiking?

A backpack carrier is usually the best option, as it will keep your arms free and allow you to move quickly over uneven terrain. Be sure to look for one that's comfortable and well-padded, with plenty of straps or buckles to keep your child secure. Also bring along a pack cover if it's raining or snowing.

What supplies should I bring when hiking with kids?

In addition to snacks and drinks, you'll need to bring safety items such as a first aid kit, sunscreen, insect repellent and whistle. In addition to these, you should also bring a hat and extra layers of clothing in case the weather changes while you’re out on the trail. A map or GPS device is also a good idea if you're not familiar with the area.

Finally, always remember to have fun! Hiking with kids is an incredible bonding experience that can create lasting memories.

Happy hiking!

What is the best way to keep kids engaged in hiking?

Make it a game! Try setting up challenges or scavenger hunts along the trail. Have them look for particular plants, animals, or other natural wonders. You can also make up stories as you go along and have them guess what comes next. Additionally, let them explore their surroundings and stop to examine plants or look at animal tracks in the sand.

Finally, remind them that nature is full of surprises - you never know what you might find around the corner!  Enjoy the journey together!  Happy hiking!

What safety precautions should I take when hiking with kids?

First and foremost, make sure the route is appropriate for your children’s ages and physical abilities. Additionally, bring a first aid kit, sunscreen and insect repellent along with some extra layers of clothing should the weather change suddenly. Let your children know to stay close and not wander off the trail. Finally, be aware of any potential hazards such as steep cliffs, fast-moving water or wildlife and always follow hiking safety rules.  Happy hiking!

Is it necessary to bring a map when hiking with kids?

A9: Yes! A map or GPS device will help you to stay on track and make sure you have a safe route back home. Additionally, it can also provide interesting information about the area, such as identifying landmarks or giving brief history lessons. Your local parks and recreation department may be able to provide maps of local trails as well.  Happy hiking!

What's the best hiking stroller?

The best hiking stroller will depend on your family's needs but generally speaking, look for one that has wide, air-filled tires which offer superior suspension and traction to handle any terrain. It should have adjustable handlebars, a harness system with a five-point buckle, adequate storage space, and sun protection. Look for one that is lightweight yet sturdy enough to carry multiple kids at once if needed. Above all else, make sure the stroller you choose is durable enough to withstand frequent use and come with good customer reviews. Good options are the BOB revolution Flex 3.0 and Thule Chariot.