Are you in the "zombie phase" of parenthood? As a new parent, it can be incredibly overwhelming and confusing to navigate the terrain of your baby’s sleep patterns. You may find yourself asking questions such as “how often should my newborn be sleeping?” or “what is the best way for my baby to transition from crib to bassinet?”

To get your newborn off on the right foot, learning what steps you need to take in order to ensure they are properly and safely resting in their bassinet is essential, as babies sleep a lot at first.

In this blog post we will go over how you can get your little one sleeping soundly in their bassinet!

We've all been there, an overtired newborn baby and exhausted parents! The key, get your baby into a sleep routine!

Here's our safe sleep guidelines on how to get your baby to sleep in a bassinet.

Baby sleep in bassinet

#1 Preparing The Bassinet

Preparing for the arrival of a new baby can be overwhelming, but ensuring the bassinet is safe and secure is an important step. One of the most crucial aspects is checking that the mattress is firm and secure, as a soft mattress can increase the risk of suffocation.

Additionally, it's important to make sure that the sides of the bassinet are not too low for the baby to climb/roll out of once they start moving around.

By taking the time to properly prepare the bassinet, parents can rest assured that their little one will have a safe and comfortable place to sleep.

NEVER use an old mattress on a newborn baby!

#2 Swaddle Your Baby

Welcoming a new addition to the family can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a parent, you want to provide the best possible care for your baby, and one way to do so is through swaddling.

Swaddling involves wrapping your baby snugly in a light blanket or a swaddle wrap to mimic the warmth and security of the womb. It can help calm a fussy baby, reduce startle reflex, and promote better sleep. Swaddling also provides a sense of comfort and familiarity to your little one, especially during the early days when everything can seem new and unfamiliar.

So, if you're looking for an effective and gentle way to soothe your baby, why not try swaddling? Your baby will thank you for it.

Swaddle you baby 

#3 Create A Calm Environment

One of the best things you can do for your baby is to create a calm environment in their nursery. This can be achieved by keeping the room quiet and dimly lit, which helps your little one feel relaxed and secure.

Adding white noise playing in the background can also help to soothe your baby, making them feel comfortable and peaceful. By creating a calm environment in the nursery, you are setting the stage for restful and rejuvenating sleep for your baby, which is crucial for their growth and development.

#4 Rock Your Baby

As new parents, there's nothing more peaceful than watching your little one drift off into a peaceful slumber. That's why it's good to rock your baby gently until they are thoroughly relaxed and drowsy before putting them into their bassinet.

By doing so, you're giving them a sense of security and comfort, making it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep longer. Plus, those precious moments of rocking your baby are ones you'll cherish forever, as you bond with your little one and create memories that will last a lifetime. So go ahead and rock away - you'll both be better for it.

#5 Use A Gentle Patting Motion

By using a soft and rhythmic patting motion as you lay your baby down, you provide them with a sense of security and comfort. It's a simple yet effective way to help your baby transition from your loving arms to a peaceful slumber.

So next time you're tucking in your little one, give this technique a try and watch as they drift off into a peaceful sleep.

A dirty diaper can prevent a baby from having a restful sleep. But don't be surprised if they decide to do this just after the baby falls asleep!

#5 Offer Reassurance

It's a small gesture, but it communicates an abundance of love and care. Knowing that someone is there, offering reassurance and comfort, can make all the difference in being able to drift off into a restful, rejuvenating sleep. Babies feel secure when hearing your voice, so go ahead and let them know you are there.

Following these tips can help you get your newborn comfortably settled in their bassinet and sound asleep for their naps or overnight. It can be important to check the mattress and conditions of the bassinet to make sure they will be comfortable inside and it's important to also create an environment that is safe, calming, and secure.

Swaddling your baby helps them feel snug and can give them the sensation of being in a womb-like environment. Even after they are placed in their bassinet rocking or patting motions may help them further relax and by speaking softly and calmly you can provide reassuring support. If you are looking for more information on helping your baby sleep, make sure to read some of my related reads on sleeping babies.

Why do babies smile in their sleep? The answer is so cute! READ HERE

For a babies sleep schedule, check out this article.

Top Tips For Baby Crib Safety

Ah, the joy (and terror) of bringing home a newborn. Amidst all the bottles, nappies and sleepless nights, it can be easy to overlook the safety of the crib. But fear not, new parents! While it can seem overwhelming, there are a few common mistakes to avoid when it comes to your baby's sleeping arrangements.

  1. First things first, make sure the crib meets safety standards and is free from any loose or sharp objects.
  2. Next, position your baby on their back, as it reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
  3. Use a fitted sheet that snugly fits the mattress and tuck it in tightly, so your baby doesn't get tangled up.
  4. It's also a good idea to include a sleep sack or swaddle to keep your baby snug and secure.
  5. Lastly, resist the urge to add any toys, bumpers, or blankets, as these can pose a suffocation risk. You want a safe sleep space.

With these top tips in mind, you'll be ready to tuck your little one into a safe and cozy sleeping spot and be nice and rested when the baby wakes.

So There You Have It!

Our step by step guidelines on how to get a newborn to sleep in a bassinet. Many parents have different veiws on the "best" ways of doing things. Just remember you are the parent, and you know your child best. If one method doesn't work, try another, you'll soon figure it out.

And whilst your doing that, check out these cute bamboo baby pajamas, weighted sleep sacks and sleep aids to help you along the journey that is the "zombie parent phase"!

Just remember, it doesn't last long, before you know it they'll been grown, so cherish these exhausting but beautiful moments.

Top 5 Snuggly Bamboo Baby Pajamas for the Sweetest Dreams!
Explore the top 5 bamboo baby pajamas for comfort, style, and eco-friendliness. Treat your little one to cozy, sustainable sleepwear for sweet dreams!
Proven! Babies Fall Asleep Faster! Tommee Tippee Dreammaker!
Reap the benefits of a sleep aid with Tommee Tippee’s Dreammaker Baby Sleep Machine, featuring pink noise, red light night light, and Smart CrySensor Technology for better sleep for you and your baby.

Are bassinets safe for newborns?

Bassinets are a great option for newborns, and they provide lots of benefits. Not only are bassinets designed to promote safety through their construction and features, but they also help to keep your little one close by during those middle-of-the night feeding sessions.

Bassinets meet the same standards for safety as cribs when it comes to meeting the federal regulations regarding flammability, structural integrity, size limitation, entrapment prevention and other factors. All certified bassinets should have been tested rigorously for safety. Furthermore, some models also come with additional plush padding and breathable side mesh walls that make them even more secure than ever before so you can rest assured knowing your baby is in good hands.

Another great thing about bassinets is that they're easier on the wallet compared to a full sized crib – which can get pretty pricey! Plus, many have adjustable heights that make them suitable for co-sleeping families or parents who want an additional bedside sleeper without taking up too much space in their bedrooms.

And fear not if you have an enthusiastic toddler running around the house - most of today's bassinet models come equipped with locks that keep curious children from taking unwanted rides upstairs at all hours of the night! Just make sure your model has this feature before buying if you need it…or else be prepared to start singing lullabies while chasing after junior when nature calls!

All jokes aside though - considering their convenience combined with unmatched safety standards; a quality bassinet is definitely something worth having for any new parents out there looking for ways to better care for their little bundle of joy without breaking the bank.

How Often Do Newborns Sleep?

Congratulations on becoming a new parent! You're probably wondering how often newborns sleep and fortunately, the answer is quite a bit. According to research from Parents magazine, most newborns sleep between 16-17 hours each day - an impressive amount of zzz's for such tiny little humans!

Of course, this lengthy sleeping schedule isn't going to be perfectly consistent. As your baby grows older their sleep duration and patterns will naturally change as they become more active throughout the day. At around 2-3 months old is when parents might start noticing that their baby has divided up their daytime and nighttime routines more evenly - with usually about 10 hours during the night (yay!).

However, regardless of age all babies need breaks during the day in order to keep up with their busy schedules of eating, pooping and growing! This means plan for multiple naps or “catnaps” throughout each 24-hour period until your little one establishes a healthy routine. But don’t stress if you're not able to hit that exact number every single time - parenting is hard work but it’s also full of fun surprises too – like watching them learn something new or hearing those adorable gurgles after nap time!

Quick Short FAQs

What are the safety requirements for baby cribs?

Baby cribs must meet minimum safety standards set by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the US. These standards include using only non-toxic finishes on all surfaces, and making sure that the mattress support is consistently strong. Furthermore, all loose parts should be removed from the crib and it should not have a drop side.

The safest position for babies to sleep in is on their backs with their feet at the foot of the crib. This helps reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). In addition, babies should always sleep on a firm surface with no loose bedding or pillows.

How do I choose the right size baby crib?

When selecting a baby crib, it is important to consider both your child's age and size. Standard-size cribs are generally suitable for babies up to three years old, while convertible or toddler beds can accommodate kids up to five years old. Make sure that the mattress fits securely within the frame of the crib, as gaps between the mattress and the frame could be a safety hazard.

How often do I need to replace my baby's crib?

Baby cribs should be inspected regularly to ensure that all safety standards are met. If any parts of the crib become worn or damaged, they should be replaced immediately. Additionally, it is recommended to replace the baby's crib at least every five years as the wood can weaken over time and potentially become a risk for your child's safety.

How much should I expect to pay for a baby crib?

Baby cribs can range in price from as low as $100 up to more than $1,000 depending on the type and quality of the crib. It is important to consider both your budget and safety requirements when selecting a crib, as cheaper models may not meet current safety standards.

What are the benefits of a convertible crib?

Convertible cribs can be easily converted from a standard crib into a toddler bed, daybed or full-size bed as your child grows. This allows you to get more use out of the product and eliminates the need to buy additional beds.

Our team have carefully handpicked the items we choose to mention, and some products may have been sent to us as samples. But don't worry—every opinion in this article is our own! If you happen to purchase any item we recommend, we will earn a small commission or other compensation (which allows us to keep providing reviews!). We want to simplify the buying process for busy parents, so you can spend time with your kids.