Hey there super parents! If you're like me, you probably spend a good chunk of your day figuring out the best ways to keep your energetic little one entertained and, importantly, developing those all-important motor skills. Now, you're probably staring at a balance bike and a trike online, scratching your head in confusion - which one is better for your two-year-old? Well, grab a cuppa and let's dive into this friendly debate together!

"Trikes are great for stability and ease but balance bikes offer a better learning experience. And trust me when I say, it doesn't take them long to figure it out!"

Trike vs Bike

So, you're caught in the Trike vs. Balance Bike showdown, huh? Let's break it down. A tricycle, or 'trike' as we cool parents call it, has three wheels (shocker!) and pedals. It's the classic ride for toddlers - like the minivan of the toddler world of bike riding, if you will.

On the other hand, a balance bike, the trendy SUV of kiddie transit, sports two wheels and no pedals. Odd, right? But here's the kicker - it's designed to teach your little daredevils balance and coordination, so they can eventually ride a real bike without those dorky training wheels.

So, if your toddler is all about tradition, a trike might be the way to go. But, if they're ready to tear up the pavement in style, a balance bike might just be their speed.

Typically, a trike is best suited for toddlers aged 1 to 2 years. It's a safe, stable option to get them introduced to the concept of a pedal bicycle and steering. It's also a great boost for their little leg muscles!

As for the balance bike, it's usually ideal for kids aged 2 to 5 years (but there are ones for 1 year olds too). The lack of pedals encourages kids to propel themselves using their feet and teaches them balance at an early age, which can make the transition to a real bike smoother when they're ready. Keep in mind, though, every child is unique in their development, so these age ranges are guides, not rules set in stone.

Trikes are easy and fun

Why a trike is a good idea for toddlers

Okay, so why should you consider letting your tot roll around in the "minivan" of the toddler world, also known as a trike? Well, other than the fact that it's a classic (seriously, who didn't have a trike growing up?), it's also incredibly stable. The three wheels make it virtually impossible for your little one to tip over, which is great for those heart-stopping moments when they decide to test out their need for speed.

Plus, the pedals on a trike offer a fantastic opportunity for your kiddo to practice and develop their leg strength and gross motor skills. Not to mention, it's a great way to tire them out for nap time (and let's be honest, we all love nap time!).

Lastly, let's not forget about the built-in storage in most trikes. Perfect for all the extra toys, stones, or whatever little treasures your junior explorer insists on collecting during their outdoor adventures. So, if safety, stability, and storage sound appealing, a trike might just be your toddler's new best friend!

The Trike: Pros and Cons for a 2-year-old


  1. Stability: The three wheels on a trike offer exceptional stability, minimizing the risk of tipping over.
  2. Motor Skills Development: Pedaling a trike gives your toddler a fantastic workout, strengthening their leg muscles and developing their motor skills.
  3. Safety: With its sturdy design and slow speed, a trike is a safer option for the younger ones.
  4. Storage Space: Most trikes come with built-in storage for your little one's favorite toys or any "treasures" they find on their adventures!
Why kids love trikes


  1. Limited Mobility: Trikes may not provide as much freedom of movement as balance bikes. They can be hard to maneuver, especially around corners.
  2. Dependence on Pedals: Unlike balance bikes, trikes depend on pedaling. This dependency might delay the development of balance and coordination skills necessary for riding a two-wheeler.
  3. Off road: They aren't very easy to use on uneven surfaces.
  4. Lack of Challenge: Since trikes are so stable, they might not offer as much of a challenge for your little adventurer. This lack of challenge could potentially hinder their progression towards more advanced bikes.
Balance bikes are cool and fun

Why are balance bikes a good option?

Now, let's talk about the "SUV" of the toddler world - the balance bike. Why should your little roadster consider swapping their minivan for a more adventurous ride? Well, let's dive in!

Balance bikes are like the cool, older cousin of the trike, bringing a whole new level of fun and learning to your kiddo's playtime. They're sleek, fast, and designed to teach children how to balance like a pro - all while looking super stylish in the playground. Think of it as a two-wheeler with training wheels, but without the training wheels.

Sure, balance bikes might seem a bit daunting at first glance - two wheels, no pedals, sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? Wrong! It's actually a fantastic way to help your little daredevil develop the skills they need to ride a real bike sooner rather than later and teach balance. The lack of pedals means your tot has to use their legs to move around, which not only strengthens their little leggies but also helps them understand the concept of balancing on two wheels. So, if you're looking for a way to keep your toddler entertained, active, and learning all at the same time, a balance bike might just be what the doctor (or should we say, mechanic?) ordered!

The best balance bikes

The Balance Bike: Pros and Cons for a 2-year-old


  1. Balance and Coordination: Balance bikes are designed to help young kids learn how to balance on two wheels and coordinate their movements, building a strong foundation for future biking adventures.
  2. Independence: With a balance bike, your toddler can control their speed and direction using their own foot power. It's a big-kid feeling that little ones love as it gives them the feeling of independent riding!
  3. Fun and Adventurous: Balance bikes are often seen as more exciting and grown-up than trikes, which might make your little one more enthusiastic about playtime.
  4. Easy Transition to Pedal Bikes: Once your child masters their balancing skills, transitioning to a regular bike will be as smooth as a well-oiled chain!


  1. Requires More Supervision: As balance bikes are less stable than trikes, they require a bit more supervision to avoid any "uh-oh" moments.
  2. No Storage Space: Unlike trikes, balance bikes typically don't have storage for your tot's little trinkets - so be prepared to become a human backpack!
  3. Mental and Physical Challenge: Learning to balance can be tough. It requires patience and resilience from your little one, which can sometimes lead to funks and frustrations. But hey, that's all part of growing up, right?

Best of Both Worlds! Trike & Bike in 1 (YES!!!)

The BUNZI balance bike by Chillafish is a unique fusion of a tricycle and a balance bike, providing the best of both worlds for budding cyclists. This versatile model starts as a tricycle, giving your little one the stability and confidence they need as they start their cycling journey. With its low center of gravity, the BUNZI trike mode provides a safe, stable platform for your child to start exploring their world on wheels.

But the BUNZI's magic lies in its transformative design. As your child's skills develop, the BUNZI can morph into a two-wheeled balance bike. This transition introduces a new level of challenge for your child and helps them develop the crucial balance skills they'll need for a pedal bike. All this without the need for stabilizers or training wheels!

Bunzi 2 in 1 bike

Moreover, it's lightweight and easy to transport, making it a perfect companion for outings to the park. In terms of storage, the BUNZI comes with a 'hidden' compartment where kids can store their small toys or snacks. So, while it might not have the large storage of a trike, it still offers a bit of room for those essential treasures!

In essence, the BUNZI balance bike by Chillafish successfully merges the stability of a trike with the agility of a balance bike, making it an excellent first bike. Its ingenious design allows for a smooth transition between stages, matching the pace of your child's development and ensuring a fun, exciting ride at every step of their cycling journey.

For those who are caught in the decision-making process between a trike and a balance bike, you may find the BUNZI by Chillafish to be a perfect compromise. This innovative product offers the best of both worlds, starting as a stable tricycle for the earliest stages of a child's cycling journey, then effortlessly transforming into a balance bike as your child's skills advance. Thus, choosing the BUNZI not only provides an engaging and adaptable ride for your child but also ensures you get great value for your investment. It's truly a win-win situation for unsure parents and eager little cyclists alike!

BUNZI Balance Bike: Pros and Cons


  1. Versatility and Adaptability: The BUNZI balance bike's ability to transform from a trike to a balance bike makes it a versatile option that can grow with your child.
  2. Development of Skills: This transition allowsthrm to learn balance and coordination skills, which are essential for riding a traditional bike in the future.
  3. Storage Space: Unlike other balance bikes, BUNZI comes with a hidden compartment for storing small toys or snacks which is an added bonus.
  4. Stability: As a tricycle, it offers the stability that a balance bike lacks, providing a safe and comfortable learning experience for young riders.
  5. Lightweight: Its lightweight design makes it easy for young children to handle and for parents to transport.
  6. Design: Plus it comes in some really cool colors and patterns.
Bunzi balance bike transitions from 3 wheels to 2


  1. Limited Storage: Despite the hidden compartment, the storage space is not as large as a traditional tricycle.
  2. No Pedaling Experience: Like other balance bikes, BUNZI doesn’t offer any pedaling experience.
  3. Potential for Overconfidence: The stability provided by the tricycle mode may lead to overconfidence when transitioning to the balance bike mode, which could result in falls.

More Balance Bike Know How

Make sure the seat height is correct. Measure from the child's inseam and have their feet flat on the ground when adjusting the seat. Read our article on seat heights.

What is the Seat Height of the Chillafish? Size Guide Here!
Discover the varying seat heights of the Chillafish balance bikes. Make sure you choose the right fit, to give them the best start.
BEST 5 Rides to Freedom: Chillafish Balance Bike Review!
Experience unstoppable fun and freedom with the Chillafish Balance Bike. This innovative ride unleashes excitement, balance, and adventure for kids of all ages.
The Perfect Ride: Is a Balance Bike Good for a 3-Year-Old?
Discover if a balance bike is the perfect choice for your 3-year-old. Explore the benefits and considerations of this early cycling adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

What age is appropriate for a toddler to start using a balance bike or a trike?

Typically, toddlers can start using a balance bike or a trike around the age of 2. However, it largely depends on the child's physical coordination and readiness.

Which is better for my toddler - a balance bike or a trike?

Both have their pros and cons. Trikes offer more stability and typically come with storage space, while balance bikes help in developing balance and coordination skills. If your toddler is adventurous and physically ready, a balance bike might be a good fit. For younger toddlers or those who prefer a more stable ride, a trike is a great option.

How does a balance bike prepare a child for a pedal bike?

A balance bike helps a child to focus on learning balance and steering first. The child's feet should be able to touch the ground with ease, allowing therm to push off and gain notion.Once these skills are developed, the transition to a pedal bike is usually easier as the child only needs to learn how to pedal.

Is the BUNZI by Chillafish a balance bike or a trike?

The BUNZI by Chillafish is a unique combination of both and is great fun. It starts as a trike and can be converted into a balance bike as your child's skills evolve, offering the benefits of both types of bikes so they can learn to ride a bike.

Does the BUNZI by Chillafish come with storage space?

Yes, the BUNZI has a 'hidden' compartment where kids can store small toys or snacks.

Other Good Brands for Balance Bikes

While the BUNZI by Chillafish is a fantastic model, there are several other brands out there known for producing high-quality balance bikes.

  1. Strider: Strider is one of the leading brands for balance bikes and known for its durability and design. The Strider Classic Balance Bike is very lightweight and easy to handle, making it a favorite among many parents.
  2. Radio Flyer: Another great brand, Radio Flyer's balance bike model has an adjustable seat which accommodates growing kids, and the soft tires provide a comfortable ride.
  3. Banwood: Known for its high-quality and stylish design, Banwood balance bikes come with a detachable wicker basket for storage, making it an attractive option for many parents and children alike.
  4. Yvolution: Yvolution offers a balance bike that can be easily converted to a pedal bike once your child is ready. It's a great investment for parents looking to transition their child to a pedal bike in the future.

Remember, the best balance bike for your child will depend on your child's age, size, and skill level, as well as your budget and preferences for features like design and storage.

Remember the content in this article is based on both our and other parent's opinions and experiences. If you have concerns you should always ask a fully trained professional. If we recommend any products and you choose to buy them, we may receive a small commission.