If you’re a new parent, you might be wondering why your baby sleeps in such an odd position. You might have noticed that your baby sleeps with their butt in the air, and you’re wondering if it’s normal or if there’s something wrong.

Well, don’t worry, because it’s completely normal for babies to sleep this way. In this article, we’ll explain why babies sleep with their butts in the air and provide some helpful advice for new parents on babies’ sleeping habits.

Sleeping baby

Butt In The Air, Don't Care!

The first thing you should know is that babies sleep with their butts in the air because it’s comfortable for them. Newborns have tiny, undeveloped muscles, and their bodies can’t hold themselves in the same position as adults.

So, when they sleep on their stomach, their little butts naturally pop up in the air, and their legs splay out to the sides. This position helps them feel secure and can also aid in digestion. It reminds them of being in the fetal position in their mother's womb and comes simply from muscle memory. It is also known as the frog position.

Another reason why babies sleep with their butts in the air is that it helps regulate their temperature. Newborns can’t regulate their body temperature like adults can, and they’re more susceptible to overheating. When babies sleep with their butts up in the air, it allows air to circulate around their little bodies more freely, helping to prevent them from overheating.

Baby sleeping butt in the air 

Not Every Baby Does This

It’s also worth noting that not all babies sleep with their butts in the air, there are different sleeping positions some prefer. Some might prefer to sleep on their back or side. It’s important to keep in mind that every baby is different and will have their own preferences when it comes to sleeping.

Back Is Best For Babies

So, what can you do to help your baby sleep better? First and foremost, it’s important to create a safe sleeping environment for your baby. This means placing them on their back to sleep to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

It’s also important to ensure that your baby’s sleep environment is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature.

Additionally, establishing a consistent bedtime routine can help your baby feel calm and relaxed before bed.

Babies should sleep on their back

No Stress, It's The Child Pose

One last piece of advice for new parents: don’t stress too much about your baby’s sleeping habits. While it’s important to create a safe and comfortable sleeping environment for your baby, it’s also important to remember that babies are unpredictable and will often wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason. If your baby is sleeping with their butt in the air, there’s no need to worry – it’s completely normal!

Things That Can Help Babies Sleep

As a new parent, it's no secret that sleep is essential for both you and your little one. Burping your child is a great start to a good nights sleep, and items such as crib mobiles are good for aiding in baby sleep, but there are a few more items to consider.

How about a pacifier for breast fed babies, specifically designed to replicate the shape and feel of a breast to act as an extra comfort for a baby sleeping.

Consider investing in a sound machine - it's amazing how soothing ocean waves or white noise can be for a sleeping baby.

Another option is swaddling, which mimics the feeling of being in the womb and can help calm a fussy baby's sleeping position. And as they get a little older a sleep sack. And if all else fails, don't underestimate the power of a good old-fashioned lullaby (with some totally on-key singing, of course). Sweet dreams to you and your little one!

Baby's love a crib mobile


In conclusion, most babies sleep with their butt in the air because it’s comfortable for them and helps regulate their body temperature. Remember that every baby is different when it comes to sleeping habits, so don’t stress too much about it.

As a new parent, focus on creating a safe sleeping environment for your baby and establishing a consistent bedtime routine and sleeping patterns. And, if your baby sleeps with their butt in the air, rest assured that it’s completely normal and nothing to worry about.

A Sleeping Baby's FAQs

Getting them to sleep, and then to stay asleep is an art, and one that all parents try to master as soon as possible. Some are lucky and get babies that sleep through, others not so much. Read our article on when babies start to sleep 7pm to 7am. And for anything else read these FAQs.

When should I introduce a bedtime routine for my baby?

A good time to begin a bedtime routine is when your baby reaches 4-6 months of age and can stay awake longer during the day.

Is it safe for babies to sleep on their stomachs?

No, babies should not be put down to sleep on their stomachs as this increases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). It’s best to have them sleep on their backs instead.

What is the safest sleeping position for babies?

The safest sleeping position for babies is on their backs in a crib that meets current safety standards with no loose blankets, pillows or toys inside the crib itself.

How often should I check up on my infant while they are asleep?

Ideally you want to check in frequently but let your baby do most of the work when it comes to settling into sleep – don't pick her up each time she whimpers or fusses as this may cause confusion about how and where she should fall asleep.. Check every 10-15 minutes throughout the night until you feel comfortable that your baby is sleeping safely.

What are some safe sleep accessories for infants?

Safe sleep accessories for infants include fitted crib sheets, wearable blankets or sleep sacks, and a firm mattress with no extra padding or bedding. Make sure to check the safety standards of any infant sleep accessory before purchasing it. Additionally, make sure to keep the crib free from any extra items that could pose a risk of suffocation.

Are there any other tips I can follow to ensure my baby’s safety while they sleep?

Yes, always keep soft objects such as blankets and pillows away from your baby’s face. Do not let your baby overheat while sleeping, and make sure to remove any stuffed animals or other objects from the crib before placing your baby in it. Additionally, keep your baby’s sleep environment free of smoke and other pollutants. Finally, if you can, try to get your baby as much natural daylight exposure as possible during the day to help regulate their sleep-wake cycles.

How do I know if my baby is getting enough sleep?

Generally speaking, babies need about 12-17 hours of total sleep per day. Signs that your baby may not be getting enough rest include irritability or difficulty settling down for naps and bedtime. If you have any concerns about your baby’s sleep habits, always check in with your pediatrician for further guidance.

Should I let my baby “cry it out” to help them learn how to fall asleep on their own?

This is a decision that should be made by the parents according to their own comfort level. If you are comfortable with letting your baby “cry it out”, then it is important to keep checking in on them every 10-15 minutes to make sure they are okay and not in distress. However, if you do not feel comfortable with this method, there are other techniques such as the Ferber Method or the Sleep Lady Shuffle that may help your baby learn to self-soothe and fall asleep more independently. It is important to remember that all babies are different, so it may take some trial and error before you find a technique that works best for both you and your baby.

What are some ways I can help my baby fall asleep quickly and easily?

Establishing a bedtime routine is key to helping your baby fall asleep quickly. A consistent routine will help create a sense of security and familiarity and signal to your baby that it's time for sleep. Additionally, swadd can be very helpful in calming babies down before bedtime, as well as providing a sense of comfort and security. Make sure the room is dark and quiet, as babies do best when there are minimal distractions during sleep time. Finally, try to create an environment that encourages self-soothing – things like white noise machines or dim nightlights can be very helpful.

How should I handle nighttime wake-ups?

The key to handling nighttime wake-ups is being consistent. If your baby wakes up and is fussing, first check to make sure she is not in any physical discomfort – such as needing a diaper change or feeling too cold or hot. If all seems well, try using calming techniques such as gentle rocking or soft singing/talking. may also find it helpful to keep a nightlight in their room, as this can help them feel more secure and less scared of the dark.

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